Thursday, 24 January 2013


It snowed last Friday!
And with college being indecisive about whether or not to stay open I arranged  two photo-shoots which had already been planned in anticipation of the snow. So with me all excited and what not about this shoot, I trekked my way to college and started setting up for the shoot but it wasn't long before the very few teachers that had made it to college informed myself and a few others that the college would be closing to normal lessons but stay open for exams.

The old entrance to Tauntons college

Shortly after this after this 'unfortunate' news my model called and informed me that she couldn't make it as her car was stuck in a chain of cars all stranded on the side of a hill, so we had to cancel the shoot and in the best option for me was to make my way home and have some hot chocolate.

Ryan playing with the these days! :P

But Ryan (one of my best mates) persuaded me to stay and take some pictures in the snow so we called our other friends Klaudia and George, and went out to enjoy the snow, trekking around and snapping somewhat festive pictures! Whilst it lasted!
After this wonderful day spent in the snow, Ryan and I were anxious about whether or not our planned trip to London the next day would still go ahead....Post on that coming soon ;) 

Ryan & Klaudia

Seb and I



Ryan again!

Klaudia, I prefer to call her Klaud! It has a better ring to it ^.^ hehe



A Stranger casually dragging a body through the snow!! :o

She loves those gloves!

Isn't she cute!! aha :L

Daddy & his princess!

CUTE! >.<'

An old couple



Monday, 7 January 2013

Olympus OM-1N Film Test Shoot!

I have finally received the prints from the test shoot I shot with the Olympus OM-1N!

As this is the first shoot I've carried out with the camera, I'm quite pleased with the results and I would very much like to shoot with it in the studio environment 
as this was shot out on location so watch out! ;)
P.s. Check out the whole album on my Facebook Page!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Adventures Of #Beauté Noire

This is the latest video shot in collaboration with AHP, which is a business that provides a virtual community for creative artist and is owned by a close friend of mine.
This is the first of many works planned for 2013, this year will be crazy busy for the both of us but alongside that we will continue to work hard and produce several works.

Below are two collaboration pieces we worked on last year, please fell free to check them out and check out His works too.